Tips to survive final exams

Image of students studying

It’s no secret that Year 12 can be stressful. It can be a lot to deal with the pressure of assessments, final exams, getting a good ATAR, plus doing your family and school proud. We want you to know that you’re not alone. Have faith that you can navigate through this period, do your best in your studies, and take care of your wellbeing!

Here are seven strategies to get you through exam period:


Illustration of people with a clock and calendar

1. Plan ahead

Creating a study plan can help you stay on track. One handy trick is to write out major exam dates and create a weekly/daily timetable around this. From here, break things down into smaller tasks so you can check things off as you go. Doing this will give you a big picture view of everything you need to do and can help give you the motivation to keep moving forward.

Illustration of people studying together

2. Create a study crew

Everyone learns and absorbs information differently. A collaborative approach to study can help you exchange information and learn from each other. Have a go at explaining concepts to your peers. If you can teach others, it shows that you understand the subject matter and can apply your knowledge in the exam!

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3. Remove distractions

It’s no surprise that scrolling through your Insta feed or binging on TikTok videos are the biggest study killer. If the temptation is real, it might be best to turn off notifications and put your phone in another room during study time. Another option is to use online tools like Cold Turkey or create app time limits on your phone to eliminate these distractions.

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4. Take regular breaks

Taking regular breaks is key to productivity and good mental health, especially when studying for final exams. You may want to try the 45/15 rule – study for 45 mins and followed by a 15-minute break. In this time, try rejuvenating activities like going for a walk, yoga or a quick catch-up with friends. This way, you’ll come back refreshed and ready to continue studying.

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5. Snack the nutritious way

Snacking on nutritious foods can help boost your brainpower and increase motivation. Want some healthy snack ideas? Have a go at some fruit salad, smashed avo, nuts or carrots with hummus. These foods have the antioxidants and minerals proven to get your energy up and keep you in the zone.

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6. Make time to exercise

Get your blood pumping with some exercise. Not only is this good for your health and fitness, but it’s great for brain power too! There are many ways to exercise. Play sports with friends, take the dog out for a walk, go the gym, or do a fitness class - just to name a few. Physical activity is proven to improve memory and increase concentration – essential skills for exam time.

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7. Sleep well

It can be tempting to chuck all-nighters, but this could have impacts in the long run. It’s essential to get eight hours of sleep for your brain to function optimally. With a steady sleep routine, you’ll be able to consolidate everything you’ve learnt into the day and move it from short-term to long-term memory.

Something to remember:

Exam time can be overwhelming but remember that everyone is in the same boat. Take a deep breath and walk into the room with confidence. You’re so close to the end – have faith in yourself and know that you’ve got it in the bag!

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