Grade Table and GPA



The below tables list grades used to report student academic achievement. Grades are used at both the individual assessment task and overall unit final result level except where marked with an asterisk (*) which are used only at the individual assessment task level or marked with a caret symbol (^) which are used only at the overall unit final result level or market with a footnote.

Final Grades
Grade Code Grade Summary Explanation (Appears on the Statement of Results) Detailed Explanation Applies to
HD High Distinction 85% - 100% overall mark, and all components of the unit were completed Exceptionally clear understanding of subject matter; clearly and logically organised with excellent presentation. Addresses all of the assessment criteria to an excellent standard above expected. Extensive evidence of insight and originality where appropriate. Demonstrating excellent levels of understanding with graduate capabilities and learning outcomes. HE
D Distinction 75% - 84% overall mark, and all components of the unit were completed Strong grasp of subject matter; clearly and logically organised with good presentation. Addresses all the assessment criteria to a high standard majority of the time relating to the unit outcomes. Evidence of insight and originality where appropriate. Demonstrating high levels of understanding with graduate capabilities and learning outcomes. HE
C Credit 65% - 74% overall mark, and all components of the unit were completed Competent understanding of subject matter and appreciation of most of the main issues. Addresses most of the assessment criteria reasonably well. Competent organisation and presentation. Reasonable command and superior of understanding. Demonstrating moderate to at times high levels of understanding with graduate capabilities and learning outcomes. HE
P Pass 50% - 64% overall mark, and all components of the unit were completed. Demonstrates appreciation of subject matter and issues. Addresses most of the assessment criteria adequately but may lack in depth and breadth. Often work of this grade demonstrates only basic comprehension or competency. Work of this grade may be poorly structured and presented. Demonstrating an understanding of graduate capabilities and learning outcomes. HE
UP Ungraded Pass Professional skills assessed, where student has met specified performance criteria at an appropriate level within a specified time Professional skills assessed, where student has met specified performance criteria at an appropriate level within a specified time. Includes units where assessment is based only on professional placement. HE
F Did Not Achieve Learning Outcomes 49% or below overall mark, and all components of the unit were attempted.

50% or above overall mark in a unit with an approved threshold requirement that was not satisfied.
Demonstrates limited appreciation of subject matter and issues. Does not address the assessment criteria adequately. Inadequate achievement of specified learning outcomes. HE
UF Ungraded Fail Professional skills assessed, where student has not met specified performance criteria at an appropriate level within a specified time Professional skills assessed, where student has not met specified performance criteria at an appropriate level within a specified time. Includes units where assessment is based only on professional placement. HE
FI^ Fail Incomplete^ 49% or below overall mark, and one or more assessment components of the unit were not completed or submitted. One or more compulsory requirements or assessment components of the unit were not completed or submitted. At least one unit requirement was attempted. HE
FNS Fail Non-Submit No assessments submitted None of the assessment components of the unit were completed or submitted. HE
W^ Withdrawn^ Withdrawn after census. Withdrawn after census and before commencement of Week 9. Administrative grade to encourage students to withdraw rather than receive one of the other fail grades. HE, VET
CO^, C^ Competent^ Competency assessed, where student has met specified performance criteria at an appropriate level within a specified time. Competency assessed, where student has met all specified performance criteria at an appropriate level within a specified time. VET, HE
NYC^ Not Yet Competent^ Competency assessed, where student has not met specified performance criteria at an appropriate level within a specified time. Competency assessed, where student has not met specified performance criteria at an appropriate level within a specified time. VET, HE
PR* Proficient The student has met all the stated practice area learning outcomes. The student has successfully completed all tasks that comprise the assessment requirements and has met all the stated practice area learning outcomes. GDLP
ADV* Advanced The student has met all the stated practice area learning outcomes and demonstrates a high-level of professional practice and capacity. The student has demonstrated that they have met all the stated practice area learning outcomes and have a comprehensive understanding of the elements associated with all tasks, including an ability to articulately and accurately define the relevant and applicable facts, client interests, law and procedure, documentation and/or application of legal skills. GDLP
NYP* Not Yet Proficient The student has not met all the stated practice area learning outcomes. The student has failed to successfully complete all tasks that comprise the assessment requirements and has not met all the stated practice area learning outcomes. GDLP
AS^ Advanced Standing^ Credit has been granted through articulation or credit transfer, or for a higher education qualification - in recognition of prior learning. Credit has been granted through articulation or credit transfer for studies prior completed as part of another VET or higher education studies, or for a higher education qualification - in recognition of prior learning. HE, VET
RPL^ RPL Competent^ Credit has been granted through recognition of prior learning assessment from another provider(s). Credit has been granted through recognition of prior learning assessment for learning attained in part or in full outside of the formal education and training system. VET
CT^ Credit Transfer^ Credit has been granted through credit transfer for a prior completed unit. Credit has been granted through credit transfer for a prior completed unit as part of another VET or higher education qualification. VET
S* Satisfactory* Result applied to individual assessment task to indicate student met specified assessment performance criteria. Result applied to individual assessment task to indicate student has met specified assessment performance criteria. VET
NYS* Not Yet Satisfactory* Result applied to individual assessment task to indicate student did not meet specified assessment performance criteria. Result applied to individual assessment task to indicate student did not meet specified assessment performance criteria. VET
RR* Resubmission required* Result applied to individual assessment task to indicate resubmission / retaking of the assessment task is required. Result applied to individual assessment task to indicate resubmission/ retaking of the assessment task is required. VET
Temporary Grades
Grade Code Grade Summary Explanation (Appears on the Statement of Results) Detailed Explanation Applies to
RP Result Pending A temporary administrative grade which indicates that the result for an assessment or unit has not been finalised. A temporary administrative grade which indicates that the result for an assessment or unit has not been finalised. Used only to provide an interim result for units normally due to extension of time for submission or delay of marking. HE, VET1
RPP^ Result Pending Placement^ A temporary administrative grade which indicates that the result for a unit that has a clinical placement component has not been finalised. A temporary grade which indicates that the result for a unit with a clinical placement component is yet to be completed. VET
RPeP Transition Result Pending Placement - Transition A temporary grade which indicates that the result will be transitioned to the related unit of competency in the updated training package. A temporary grade which indicates that the result will be transitioned to the related unit of competency in the updated training package. VET
Class of Honours awarded for Bachelor (Honours) degrees
Grade Code Grade Summary Explanation (Appears on the Statement of Results) Detailed Explanation Applies to
H1 First class Overall mark in the range 85% - 100% 85% - 100% overall mark; sustained high level of achievement HE
H21 Second class, Division 1 Overall mark in the range 75% - 84% 75% - 84% overall mark; predominantly high level of achievement HE
H22 Second class, Division 2 Overall mark in the range 65% - 74% 65% - 74% overall mark; sound achievement, with some high quality performance. HE
H3 Third class Overall mark in the range 50% - 64% 50% - 64% overall mark; sound achievement. HE

All temporary grades (i.e. RP, RPP, and RPep Transition) should be finalised prior to the census date of the next study period following the initial application of the temporary grade. In certain circumstances, the Dean may approve for temporary grades to continue past the relevant census date. Any temporary grades approved to result pending past census will be finalised by the end of the next study period. Any outstanding temporary grades that have not been finalised by the end of the next study period will be converted to, and recorded as, a FI Fail Incomplete.


1Grade is used at the individual assessment task and overall unit / final result level at ACAP.



What is a grade point average (GPA) and what is it used for?

A grade point average is a standardised way of calculating a higher education student’s academic merit. It assists in determining academic progress of individual students at ACAP.

Many other higher education institutions also use the GPA as a measure of academic merit to assist with processes such as determining the eligibility of an applicant for admission or the awarding of a scholarship.



Why did ACAP adopt GPA?

The GPA provides an overall view of student performance in a program and is a leading indicator of student’s academic achievement at ACAP. It is a recognised measure of a student’s performance.



When did ACAP adopt the GPA?

The Academic Board approved the introduction of the GPA from Term 1 2013 .

Every Statement of Results issued from Term 1, 2013 will include the GPA for the student to date.



How does GPA work?

ACAP has adopted a 7-point GPA scale:

Grade Point Average (GPA) Scale
Grade Mark Range Code Grade Point
High Distinction 85-100% HD 7
Distinction 75-84% D 6
Credit 65-74% C 5
Pass 50-64% P 4
Fail 0-49% F 1.5
Fail Incomplete FI 1.5
Withdrawn Fail Withdrawn after census WF 0
Fail No Submission No assessment submitted FNS 0

The GPA is calculated by multiplying the credit points for the unit studied by the scale value of the grade received for the unit. Then the sum of all these values is divided by the sum of credit points of the units studied.


The formula is:


Σ (grade value × unit credit points)

Σ unit credit points

Unit Credit points Result GPA scale value Grade points
Skills 1 3 HD 7 3 X 7 = 21
Methods 2 3 C 5 3 X 5 = 15
Intro to Psych 3 P 4 3 X 4 = 12
Clinical stats 3 F 1.5 3 X 1.5 = 4.5
Totals 12 52.5

GPA is calculated by dividing the total grade points by the total credit points as follows:


52.5/12 = 4.375

The GPA is therefore 4.375.



Will the GPA include a Fail result in the calculation?

Yes, a fail result counts towards the calculation of the GPA.



How do I find out what my GPA is?

Your GPA is recorded on your Statement of Result. A Statement of Results will be presented to you upon conferral of your award at your graduation ceremony or sent to you if you are graduating in absentia. You may also apply for a Statement of Result at any time by completing and submitting the application form along with payment to the address on the form.



What about other result codes? Are they used in the GPA?

The following table outlines the result codes used at ACAP, and identifies whether they are used in the GPA calculation:



Who has access to my GPA?

Within ACAP

Your GPA is recorded as part of your academic information on our secure student system. Authorised ACAP staff, such as your course coordinator, have access to your academic records.

Outside ACAP

ACAP will only release your GPA if you authorise ACAP to do so on your behalf.


Grade Code Grade Point
High Distinction HD 7
Distinction D 6
Credit C 5
Pass P 4
Fail F 1.5
Fail Incomplete FI 1.5
Fail No Submission FNS 0
Withdrawn Fail WF 0
Ungraded Pass UP Not included in the GPA calculation
Ungraded Fail UF Not included in the GPA calculation
Completed Not included in the GPA calculation
Advanced Standing Not included in the GPA calculation

If I disagree with the calculation, who do I contact?

If you believe that the GPA calculated for you is not accurate please contact your course coordinator. ACAP will correct the GPA if there has been an error in calculation.

No # Result Scale value Credit point Grade point
1 C 5 3 15
2 C 5 3 15
3 P 4 3 12
4 P 4 3 12
5 D 6 3 18
6 HD 7 3 21
7 C 5 3 15
8 C 5 3 15
9 P 4 3 12
10 F 1.5 3 4.5
11 F 1.5 3 4.5
12 P 4 3 12
13 C 5 3 15
14 C 5 3 15
15 P 4 3 12
16 D 6 3 18
17 P 4 3 12
18 P 4 3 12
19 HD 7 3 21
20 P 4 3 12
21 C 5 3 15
22 D 6 3 18
23 F 1.5 3 4.5
24 P 4 3 12
25 P 4 3 12
26 C 5 3 15
27 D 6 3 18
81 367.5
GPA 4.537037
No # Result Scale value Credit point Grade point
1 C 5 6 30
2 C 5 6 30
3 P 4 6 24
4 P 4 6 24
5 D 6 6 36
6 HD 7 6 42
7 C 5 3 15
8 C 5 6 30
9 P 4 6 24
10 F 1.5 6 9
11 F 1.5 6 9
12 P 4 6 24
13 C 5 6 30
14 C 5 6 30
15 P 4 6 24
16 D 6 6 36
17 P 4 6 24
18 P 4 6 24
19 HD 7 6 42
20 P 4 6 24
21 C 5 6 30
22 D 6 6 36
23 F 1.5 6 9
24 P 4 6 24
25 P 4 6 24
26 C 5 6 30
27 D 6 6 36
162 735
GPA 4.537037

Both students enrolled in 27 units in total as both of them failed 3 units through their course. Both students obtained the same results.

Whether the credit points were 3 or were 6 for the course, they have the same GPA.

When students transfer from the previous course made up of units of 3 credit points to the updated course made up of units with 6 credit points, all of their units in the old course for which they are awarded credit will be brought up to 6 credit points for purposes of the GPA calculation.


There are two overarching principles involved in this decision:


1. The units in the two courses are of relative equivalent weight
Both courses have 24 units. This same relative unit weight applies when credit is granted for units completed in the old course into the updated course.

The updated course structure administratively assigned 6 credit points per unit in order to bring credit points into line with other schools.


2. GPA must not be affected
If the difference in credit points were left in place for the calculation of the GPA it would have the effect of giving extra weight to unit results in the updated course because they are weighted higher at 6 credit points. This may disadvantage some students and advantage others depending on the stage of their course and the results for units in the updated course. By lifting the credit points for the units in the previous course to 6, for the purpose of GPA calculations, the GPA remains unaltered. (Please see example above.) The GPA a student has achieved in the previous course will be effectively brought across to the updated course and therefore the principle that the GPA will not be affected is adhered to.

So, to answer the question above, your GPA will not be affected.

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