ACAP’s counselling courses can lead you to various fulfilling career paths. From mental health and well-being to grief and bereavement, the possibilities are endless with a qualification in counselling. Find out about typical occupations and salaries below, based on industry data.
Counselling can be an extremely rewarding career path, allowing you to support vulnerable members of society across areas including relationships and families, grief and loss, trauma, mental health, and addiction. Roles are largely in healthcare, social assistance, education, public health and safety or private practice. Find out about typical occupations and salaries below, based on industry data.
Role Title/Average Salary | Role Title/Average Salary |
Addictive Behaviour: $104,741~ | Behaviour support: $80,000- $100,000` |
Carer Support: $67,555* | Child and adolescence: $89,221~ |
Child protection: $65,000- $75,000^ | Counsellor: $80,000- $95,000^ |
Community workers: $68,411* | Crisis support: $74,000 ** |
Disability support workers: $50,000- $55,000^ | Family support workers: $70,000- $80,000^ |
Grief and bereavement : $70,000** | Intake assessment officer: $72,072* |
Mental health and well-being support worker: $60,000- $75,000^ | Psychotherapists: $85,787~ |
Sectors you could work in
Addiction and Substance Abuse
Child, Adolescence and Families
Community Support
Crisis Support
Grief and Bereavement
Group Work
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Trauma Support
Data Sources For Indicated Salaries (sourced January 2023)
**Payscale `Ranstad * Talent ^ Seek ~ Indeed _ SalaryExpert