Diploma of Counselling Skills
Diploma of Counselling Skills
Develop foundational knowledge and ignite your passion for counselling

The Diploma of Counselling Skills (DipCounSk) provides an introduction to the field of counselling and provides graduates with a strong skills foundation and theory base from which to provide community service and counselling support within the community services and health industries.
The course introduces students to counselling theories as well as an understanding of mental health and wellness, ethical and legal practice, and personal and professional development.
This course has been accredited by ACAP under its self-accrediting authority.
*This course is not available to international students on campus in Perth, Byron Bay, Brisbane or Adelaide.

What you'll learn
Expertise in human behaviour forms the foundation of all our courses including our Diploma of Counselling Skills.
Reflective learning and practic
Psychology of health and wellness
Counselling skills
Personal and professional management
Development psychology
Social, legal and ethical frameworks

Potential Careers
Once you graduate from the Diploma of Counselling Skills, you will open doors to a range of possible career opportunities. Listed below are a few typical roles you could consider.
Community Worker
Family Support Worker
Disability Support Worker
Course structure
The Diploma of Counselling Skills course is comprised of 8 units, which are level 100 units. To find out unit delivery information view the relevant Yearly Planner.
The course duration is 1 year full time or up to 3 years part time. For more information on the recommended course sequence click here.
Level: 100 level core / elective
Credit points: 6
Pre-requisites: None
Unit Description:
This unit introduces students to the principles and effective processes for developing personal and professional self-awareness in counselling. Students engage in an analysis of the characteristics of self and influences on effective counselling processes and practices. Students appraise practices, processes and systemic barriers that have the potential to influence personal and professional growth and development in the counselling profession. Students develop a knowledge base to assist them plan for sustainable mental health and wellness in the counselling profession.
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this unit students should be able to:
a. Outline the principles and effective processes for developing personal and professional self-awareness in counselling
b. Analyse the characteristics of self and influences on effective counselling processes and practices
c. Appraise practices, processes and systemic barriers on personal and professional development in the counselling profession
d. Plan for sustainable mental health and wellness in the counselling profession
Learning and Teaching Process:
The workload for this unit is 10 hours per week.
Level: 100 level core
Credit points: 6
Prerequisites: None
Unit Description:
This unit introduces students to mental health literacy inclusive of programs, strategies, interventions and information for individuals of diverse backgrounds. Students demonstrate their developing mental health literacy through effectively communicating using different modalities. Analysing evidence- informed, practice-based contemporary issues of mental health for diverse individuals and diverse groups, students critically reflect on the core stages of mental health – prevention, early intervention and intervention.
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this unit students should be able to:
a. Execute foundational interpretation of mental health literacy inclusive of programs, strategies, interventions and information for individuals of diverse backgrounds
b. Critically reflect on the core stages of mental health – prevention, early intervention and intervention
c. Analyse evidence-informed, practice-based contemporary issues of mental health for individuals of diverse backgrounds
d. Demonstrate a developing mental health literacy using different modalities
Learning and Teaching Process:
The workload for this unit is 10 hours per week.
Level: 100 level core
Credit points: 6
Pre-requisites: MULT1015 Applications in Context
Mode of delivery: On-campus and online
Unit Description:
Opening up possibilities for developing multidisciplinary knowledge and practice, ACAP draws on the four disciplines in the college to develop three integrative units that are core to first-year undergraduate courses and a postgraduate course. These inquiry-driven units lay the groundwork for engaging students with multidisciplinary thinking, discourse and initiative in their fields of endeavour and in their future profession.
This unit introduces the student to academic skills and reflective writing practices. The unit develops the student’s understanding of ethical practice across multiple disciplines. The human rights framework in Australia and its relation to ethics and ethical behaviour in professional practice is also explored.
Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
a. Demonstrate effective information literacy skills when identifying and assessing the credibility of sources
b. Demonstrate reflective thinking skills in constructing arguments about ethics in contemporary society and their value in their chosen profession
c. Describe, explain and reflect on the key parts of relevant professional codes of conduct and ethics and their role in professional life
d. Identify ethical dilemmas and apply ethical frameworks to guide practical decision making
e. Demonstrate a capacity for self-awareness and emerging reflective practices in personal and professional development
Unit workload:
The workload for this unit is 10 hours per week.
Level: 100 level core
Credit points: 6
Pre-requisites: COUN1211 Professional Reflection and Self-Care, COUN1221 Mental Health and Wellness
Co-requisites: COUN1251 Counselling Theory
Unit Description:
In this unit, students develop an understanding of the historical development of the counselling profession and an applied understanding of counselling skills. Student learning is facilitated using relevant readings, extensive section notes in the unit curriculum, learning activities, skills practice and self-reflection. Students’ self-awareness of the influence of their values, attitudes and biases is fundamental in the development of effective counselling skills.
The process of assessment and establishing the counselling relationship is introduced in this unit. The counselling relationship is an important means of facilitating change and growth. Understanding of the stages of counselling provides a framework for practicing new skills. Students will learn how they can assist clients to achieve positive outcomes and increase their self-understanding.
Foundational counselling skills are introduced in this unit. There will be opportunity for learning through watching counselling demonstrations on YouTube and video resources available on the library website. Learning activities provide opportunity for practice with peers in triad groups. This is a very important part of developing counselling skills.
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this unit students should be able to:
a. Describe ethical principles and processes for multicultural counselling and interviewing
b. Discuss counsellor receptiveness to the client’s unique worldview
c. Demonstrate foundational counselling and interviewing microskills to conduct a full session using only listening skills
d. Demonstrate self-awareness, openness to learn, and the receptivity to receive and implement feedback for microskill development
Learning and Teaching Process:
The workload for this unit is 10 hours per week.
Level: 100 level core
Credit points: 6
Mode of delivery: On-campus and online
Pre-requisites: None
Unit Description
This is the first of three inquiry-driven, multidisciplinary units in our undergraduate courses, which build upon one another to introduce key academic skills and an understanding of critical concepts relevant to the professions and careers into which our graduates progress. It will introduce you to higher education study, including key knowledge about the nature of higher education and how to navigate it successfully. It will help you develop critical thinking and communication skills, including reading and evaluating sources of information, summarising them effectively, and communicating your understanding to others. We will examine interactions between our own and others’ personal cultural identities, how they shape our experience of relationships personally and professionally, and their implications for future study and career. Finally, it will ensure that you understand the concept of cultural safety both as it applies to higher education and the workplace. The unit lays the groundwork for all of your future studies and will help you understand both yourself and others better.
Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
a. Identify, summarise and communicate concepts from credible sources of information
b. Explain the role of culture, cultural identity and cultural influence in higher education and professional practice
c. Evaluate and apply theories and evidence related to culturally safe practices in professional practice
Unit workload:
The workload for this unit is 10 hours per week.
The required text book for this unit can be found by viewing the textbook list by selecting the course and trimester at the following link: https://www.acap.edu.au/student-resources/student-central-your-studies/textbooks-and-course-materials/
Academic misconduct
Ethical conduct and academic integrity and honesty are fundamental to the mission of ACAP. Academic misconduct will not be tolerated by the college. Please refer to the Academic Misconduct Policy on Policies & Procedures webpage for full details.
Unit information may be subject to change prior to the teaching trimester commencing. Once term has commenced please review the Unit Outline in your class space to ensure your trimester study plan is correct.
Level: 100 level core
Credit Points: 6
Pre-requisites: MULT1015 Applications in Context
Mode of delivery: On-campus and online
Unit description:
Opening up possibilities for developing multidisciplinary knowledge and practice, ACAP draws on the 4 Disciplines in the College to develop three integrative units that are core to first-year Undergraduate courses. These inquiry-driven units lay the groundwork for engaging students with multidisciplinary thinking, discourse and initiative in their fields of endeavour and in their future profession/vocation.
This unit will introduce students the issues of sustainability on a personal, professional and community level. We will examine individual and group practices that can meet the needs of current generations without compromising our or future generations ability to meet their own needs through a transdisciplinary perspective. This will encompass evidence-based approaches to promoting sustainability in the context of study, professional work and within our communities. The unit provides students with an opportunity to explore, analyse and reflect on the contribution of human behaviour to the sustainability of individuals and communities, and apply this to their personal, educational and future professional lives.
Please note: There are slightly different expectations in MULT1035 for Graduate Certificate of Psychological (GCPS) Science students. If you are enrolled in the Graduate Certificate of Psychology there are modified versions of Learning Outcome [c], the Assessment 1b rubric, and the Assessment 2 rubric in the relevant sections below. If you are not enrolled in the Graduate Certificate of Psychological Science, you can ignore these sections.
Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
a. Define sustainability in personal, professional and community contexts (undergraduate)
b. Apply the principles of sustainability to personal, professional and community contexts (undergraduate)
c. Demonstrate how evidenced-based approaches can be used to take action to support sustainability (undergraduate)
Unit workload
The workload for this unit is 10 hours per week.
Level: 100 level core
Credit points: 6
Pre-requisites: COUN1211 Professional Reflection and Self-Care, COUN1221 Mental Health and Wellness
Co-Requisites: COUN1231 Counselling Skills Training 1
Unit Description:
This unit introduces students to foundational theories of counselling practice. Students develop their knowledge and understanding of counselling as they differentiate, describe and apply counselling theories within specific contexts for diverse client presentations. Students begin working these theories into their own personal theory of counselling as they critically reflect on theories of choice and divergence from their own frames of reference.
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this unit students should be able to:
a. Describe the purpose of theories in the counselling and career counselling process
b. Apply counselling theories for diverse client presentations
c. Articulate the differentiations between counselling theories
d. Critically reflect on counsellor theories of choice and divergence from own theoretical frames of reference
Learning and Teaching Process:
The workload for this unit is 10 hours per week.
Level: 100 level core
Credit points: 6
Pre-requisites: COUN1211 Professional Reflection and Self-Care, COUN1221 Mental Health and Wellness, MULT1025 Professions and Society
Unit Description:
This unit introduces students to the principles of ethical-informed trauma counselling. Students learn to identify a range of traumatic triggers and indicators of trauma responses relevant for individuals of diverse backgrounds. Assessment tools for trauma related presentations are outlined and contemporary evidence-based and practice-based approaches to specific populations in response to trauma informed practice are analysed. Vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue are discussed as students critically reflect on potential impacts of working with trauma on the self of the counsellor.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
a. Outline the principles of ethical-informed trauma counselling
b. Identify a range of indicators of trauma responses for individuals of diverse backgrounds
c. Outline assessment tools for trauma related presentations
d. Analyse contemporary evidence-based and practice-based approaches to trauma informed practice
e. Critically reflect on the impacts of working with trauma on the self of the counsellor
Learning and Teaching Process:
The workload for this unit is 10 hours per week.
View unit descriptions
Career Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrates a foundational level of knowledge and skills of counselling theories and practices.
- Illustrates a capacity to work with diverse people in society through application of ethical and professional responsibilities.
- Applies skills of professional reflection and self-care for sustainable living and learning.
- Demonstrates effective communication skills for working and learning in twenty-first century contexts.
Pathways for future study
Graduates of the Diploma of Counselling Skills can utilise these skills to enhance their current occupation. Completion of the course can also be a pathway to further learning, such as credit towards the Bachelor of Counselling. Please discuss credit for recognition of prior learning with an ACAP team member prior to enrolment.