
Graduation Information
Graduation is an important milestone for each student that recognises the realisation of academic goals achieved through years of commitment, dedication and hard work. It is an opportunity to gather with family, friends and colleagues to celebrate and acknowledge the efforts of all involved.
Once the results have been released for your final trimester of study the college will assess your eligibility to graduate. If you are deemed eligible to graduate you will be emailed information regarding your graduation and upcoming ceremony.
Invitations to the ceremonies will be sent to eligible students in the month prior to the graduation ceremony and will outline the ticket cost. The invitation contains all information for the relevant ceremony, including costs, number of guests and details of academic dress requirements.
Upcoming Graduation Ceremonies
Academic Regalia
Graduates who attend the graduation ceremony are required to wear full academic dress at a cost of $73.50 (subject to change).
Your regalia is confirmed and booked when you RSVP and is managed by REED Graduations.
In Absentia & Graduating outside a ceremony date
You may also elect to graduate in absentia which means that you will not need to attend the ceremony and your award will be sent to you by registered post after the date of the ceremony.
Students who graduate outside a ceremony date will automatically graduate in absentia and be included in the next upcoming ceremony invite list.
Graduation Documentation
Every graduate receives their Award Testamur and an Official Statement of Results upon graduation. Your full legal name will appear on your award. Your award is an official document, therefore, it is very important that your student file contains your full legal name including middle names. Your full legal name according to our records will appear in the ‘Personal Details’ section of your Student Portal.
If you need to update your full legal name please complete the Change of Name Application Form and forward with relevant documentation to the college.
To update your address details you may do this through the Student Portal or contact the Student Experience Team at your relevant campus.
Should you need extra copies of your Official Statement of Results or require a copy prior to graduation please complete and return the Official Statement of Results Application Form.
A charge of $30 applies for each copy and takes approximately 10 business days to be processed and posted to you.
If you do not receive your graduation documentation and fail to notify us within 12 months, you will be charged for a replacement.
Why didn’t I receive an ACAP University College branded Testamur?
Navitas Professional Institute Pty Ltd trading as Australian College of Applied Professions changed its company name to ACAP University College of 4 November 2024. Testamurs presented at the ACAP graduation ceremony held 22 and 28 November 2024 reflect awards conferred by the ACAP Academic Board on 8 October 2024, prior to the name change. The graduation documents issued must accurately reflect the company name at the date of issue.
Can I have my graduation documents replaced to receive the new name?
All graduation documents accurately reflect the company name at date of issue. Therefore, students who were conferred prior to 14 November 2024 are unable to receive the ACAP University College documentation.
I am graduating in 2025; can I receive the Professions branded documentation?
No – all students graduating after 14 November 2024 will be conferred under ACAP University College and therefore their documentation must reflect this.
I studied with the College under the name Professions/Psychology. Can I still receive replacement documents?
Yes. However, they will be replaced only under the name from which you graduated.
The Letter of Completion is a letter from the College that may be needed by an external organisation to confirm that a student has completed the requirements of their award and is eligible to graduate or has graduated.
A letter of completion is usually used to provide evidence
- to another educational institution that admission requirements have been met or
- to an employer that the student has been deemed by the College as having completed an award.
An application for a Letter of Completion needs to be assessed and confirmation and approval must be given by the Discipline, Finance, the Library and Learning and Teaching Committee before any letter can be issued to a student. Therefore, to allow for this approval process, a Letter of Completion cannot be issued until approximately 15 working days after the students final results have been released.
Apply for a Letter of Completion online.
The Alumni Network
Many graduates of the College stay connected to the College to maintain personal and professional contact with other Alumni, educators and college staff. The Alumni Network was established to facilitate this objective. All graduating students are invited to join the network and benefit from the contacts, activities and information that membership of the Alumni Network offers.
Key Graduation Contacts
Eligibility & Documentation Enquiries
Email: [email protected]
Ceremony Enquiries
Email: [email protected]