Being clear about your data

I give my consent to receive marketing information as requested as well as further information (e.g. course and event information, surveys) from ACAP University College (ACAP), additionally I give my consent to the collection, processing and use of my data, including the transfer of my data within the Navitas Pty Limited group and with third parties listed below, as described in detail HERE in the privacy policy, for marketing purposes, and for servicing enquiries about Navitas Pty Limited products and services. By providing my email address and/or telephone number above I agree to receive information via email/SMS and may be called to discuss my interest in a course or in the case of any queries. I acknowledge that my information may be stored by Navitas Pty Limited for up to 5 years, after which it will be securely disposed of.


Third parties include:
  • AYU Digital
  • Facebook
  • Feature Communications
  • Google
  • Law Institute of Victoria
  • LinkedIn
  • Principals
  • Publishers Internationale
  • Publicis Group
  • Salesforce
  • Survey Monkey
  • UniPromo
  • Zenith Media
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