Useful Links for Students
This page is an important resource with links to policies and information pertaining to ACAP student life

Essential information for all ACAP students
The links you will find on this page contain vital information that all ACAP students should take the time to carefully read and understand.
Previously referred to as the Student Handbook, this page is a hub for links to policies, information about students’ rights and obligations, course administration and enrolment, key dates and assessments. This information can also be found on the ACAP Student Portal and throughout the ACAP website.

Key Policies
ACAP's Academic Board and Executive Committee have approved over 50 policy and procedure documents to provide guidance and structure for the ACAP community. There are a few policies in particular that all students should be familiar with and refer to often. All documents live on the Policies and Procedures page of the ACAP website.
Enrolment Policy
Student Code of Conduct
Student Participation and Attendance Policy